Here’s a checklist for all the documents, slips, and receipts you might need to file your personal income tax in Canada, organized by category for easy reference:
1. Identification and Personal Information
- Social Insurance Number (SIN)
- Birth Date
- Legal name change documents (if applicable)
- Address information (updated address, if moved during the year)
2. Income Documents
Employment Income
- T4 Slips (Statement of Remuneration Paid)
- T4A Slips (Pension, Retirement, Annuity, and Other Income)
- T4E Slips (Employment Insurance Benefits)
- T4RSP Slips (Registered Retirement Savings Plan income)
- T4RIF Slips (Registered Income Fund income)
- T4A(P) (Canada Pension Plan benefits)
- T5007 (Social Assistance or Workers’ Compensation)
Self-Employment Income
- Records of all business income (invoices, receipts, contracts, etc.)
- Expense records (including receipts and statements for business expenses)
Investment Income
- T5 Slips (Statement of Investment Income)
- T3 Slips (Statement of Trust Income Allocations and Designations)
- T5008 (Statement of Securities Transactions)
Rental Income
- Detail of rental income (rent receipts, rental agreements)
- Detail of rental expenses (Mortgage interest, property tax, insurance, repair, utilities etc.)
Other Income
- T4A (Other income like scholarships, fellowships, or grants)
- Alimony or child support payments (if applicable)
- Income from foreign sources (Foreign income statements)
3. Deductions and Credits
RRSP Contributions
- RRSP Contribution Receipts
- Past contributions (carry forward amounts from previous years)
Child and Family Credits
- Child care receipts
- Receipts for daycare, babysitters, or after-school programs
- Children’s fitness or arts expenses receipts
Medical Expenses
- Receipts for medical expenses (pharmacy, dental, vision, etc.)
- Out-of-pocket medical services or treatments
- Prescription drugs and medical devices receipts
Home Office Expenses
- Home office setup and operating expenses (e.g., internet, phone, utilities)
- Receipts for office supplies, equipment, software
Charitable Donations
- Receipts for charitable donations
- Donation slips for registered charities (cash and non-cash donations)
Education and Tuition
- T2202 (Tuition and Enrolment Certificate)
- Receipts for tuition, books, or student fees
- Interest paid on student loans (T4A or statements from financial institutions)
Other Deductible Expenses
- Union and professional dues
- Moving expenses (if you moved for work)
- Receipts for interest on loans used for investment purposes
- Receipts for child support payments
4. Taxable Benefits and Other Information
- T4A(P) (Pension benefits, if applicable)
- T4A(OAS) (Old Age Security)
- T4E (Employment Insurance benefits)
- T5007 (Workers’ compensation or social assistance benefits)
5. Investment and Property Information
- Records for buying or selling investments (stocks, bonds, real estate)
- Capital gains or losses documentation
- Rental income details, if applicable
6. Tax Prepaid or Withholding Information
- CRA My Account for your previous year’s carry-forward amounts
- Tax instalment receipts (if applicable)
- Employer withholding tax receipts (if different from T4)
7. Other Supporting Documents
- Previous Year’s Tax Return (to carry forward unused amounts like RRSPs, tax credits, and losses)
- Proof of payment for any outstanding tax debts
- Documents related to tax adjustments from the CRA (if applicable)
8. Other Miscellaneous Receipts
- Interest statements for personal loans, credit lines, or mortgages
- Receipts for insurance premiums (for business or other purposes)
- Property tax bills (if claiming a property tax credit)
- Real estate transaction documents (if buying or selling a home)